How to Make Money Off the Grid

by Off Grid Blog Team

The world is in more disarray than it has been in for some time. At the same time, people are distracted and always connected, to the point that life can become mundane and unfulfilling.

Going off-grid for a while can be just what the doctor ordered. Several people have decided to live off-grid as a lifestyle. But how can you do this and still earn money?

Thankfully, generating an income off the grid is more doable than ever, thanks to the internet. Here are some strategies that will help you to get started.

Grow and Sell Your Own Food

Learning to grow your own food can change your life. You can also pass these benefits on to your customers. They’ll enjoy fresh and organic food that is healthy and free of chemicals.

When you have a garden or a small farm, consider this a revolving source of income. You can grow plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs, which you can sell on the farmer’s market circuit, or even online direct to consumers.

People today are becoming more health-conscious and will be looking for the fresh food that you can offer.

Teach People How to Live Off-Grid

Create some brochures and start passing them out among communities and organizations that focus on living off-grid. Many people today are looking to get away from it all, so you can help them make this dream a reality.

There’s so much info that people need to learn related to survival, setting up solar power, and more. You can put together seminars and information sessions that give people a primer for this lifestyle.

Self-Publish Your Own eBooks

While you’re off the grid you should have plenty of time to write. Open up a Word document and write a little bit every day. Before you know it, you’ll have a full book on your hand that people will want to read.

Once your book is completed, edited, and formatted, you can hit a coffee shop, get online, and upload it to outlets like Amazon and Google Play. This one-time effort of writing a book will pay off for you again and again through the sales you receive each month.

You will then rake in royalty payments each month, as you can grow a sustainable stream of passive income. Take the time to research marketing strategies and how to get the most out of each platform that you publish to.

Create an Online Course

Building an online course is an excellent way to generate serious income while also establishing yourself as an authority on a subject.

People will pay several hundred dollars or more on courses that are straight forward, dense with information, and well-put-together. You can create a course on pretty much any subject that you are an authority on.

People today are particularly keen on learning skills online, since many are cooped up inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Take your time and create a course that offers life-changing value, and don’t be afraid to charge so that you earn your worth. Selling courses or course subscriptions each month will grow you a substantial stream of income that can sustain you.

Sell What You Create

Never underestimate how much value you can create with your two hands. What might seem like a novelty or hidden talent to you could actually generate lots of money.

If you can make your own jam or jelly, whip up delicious food recipes, create beautiful hand-made jewelry or produce your own soaps, lotions, and hair products, you can definitely build a business around it.

These kinds of products will always be in demand with more of everyday life becoming automated and with a less human touch.

String Together Some Freelance Work

Freelance work is the norm today, and that’s no different for people who live off the grid. Know your skillset and make yourself available to individuals and companies that can use the assets that you have.

This buys you the freedom of being your own boss since you can work when you want or need to, rather than being tied to set hours. The freelance lifestyle also gives you the freedom to turn down any jobs that don’t make sense for you.

When you put together several freelance jobs, you will also be able to grow your referrals.

Get Into the Tourism Business and Real Estate

If you have a piece of property you can rent it out or post it as an Airbnb. This is particularly helpful if you have property in a heavy tourist area.

You can open up a bed and breakfast and provide service to tourists who will happily enjoy your property.

Aside from renting out a property, you can also make real estate purchases that grow your net worth. Having access to real estate gives you options that you can easily turn liquid whenever you’d like, and should be a cornerstone when you want stability.


Embrace Living Off the Grid While Still Generating Income

The points in this article will help you bring in cash while you’re living off the grid. This is a lifestyle that several people are turning toward, and there’s no reason that it can’t be lucrative for you.

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